Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I've been knitting again! And I'm going to Sheep and Wool next weekend!

Here's my pretty Peace Fleece replacement needles from the lovely Ellie.

Here's the sweater I'm working on! I've done a lot in a just a few weeks. Too bad it's way too hot to wear! I'm doing a seamless yoke cardigan from Ann Budd's The Knitter's Handy Book of Sweater Patterns

Here the lovely yarn, a gift from my friend Sarah. Lamb's Pride and Handpaint Originals-- very lovely:

Here's the body-- it's knit in one piece up until the sleeves...

Here's a close up of the striping pattern and border. I'm doing seed stitch and stripes of the Handpaint Originals. I'll do a lot of stripes when I get to the yoke.

And here's the first sleeve, ready to be added in to the body to knit the yoke, once I get the other sleeve done...

And here's the other sleeve, in the very beginning stages.

Here's a baby bonnet for someone at work. I'm knit it in Calmer.

It's from Erika Knight's Knitting for Two. Here's a detail of the back: I need to put some lovely brown velvet ribbon bows and ties on it... yummy.

And what I promise will one day be a teddy bear, once I sew it up and stuff it. It's from Simply Baby by Debbie Bliss.

Look! The sweater I knit for Denise's new little one!

So, I tried an experiment in felting. I made a crazy ball of Peace Fleece and knit myself a giant rectangle of linen stitch for a pillow? Maybe?

And here's the result after felting... ummm... not so good. Maybe another trip and it could be a scarf? Maybe. Ugh.

The stitches turned out kinda neat... I forgot about the mohair halo. D'oh.

1 comment:

Ingrid Hendy said...

Yep you have been busy :)