Thursday, April 07, 2005


Oooooo... I've been tagged by Lynne for this book meme. This is the first time I've been tagged. It's quite exciting!


You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be and why?

Ok, um, I've never read Fahrenheit 451. I know. It's embarassing. But, I read a plot sypnopsis online and juding off of Lynne's answer, I need to be memorized so I can survive, right? I'm going to go with Beowulf. In Olde English. Great story, easy to memorize and not only would the literature be preserved, but the history of the language would be as well.

The last book you bought is:

Well, one trip to the book store, 3 books purchased.

Red Sorghum by Mo Yan (as a gift)
Anna May Wong: From Laundryman's Daughter to Hollywood Legend by Graham Russell Gao Hodges
Republic of Wine by Mo Yan

The Last Book you Read:

Changing Places by David Lodge. Hilarious.

Currently Reading:

Republic of Wine by Mo Yan
Gendering the Spirit: Women, Religion, and the Post-Colonial Response edited by Durre S. Ahmed

Five Books You Would Take With you to a Deserted Island:

Some sort of survival guide
Complete Works of Jane Austen
The Colombia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature
For the 5th one I'm torn between a Norton Anthology of American Lit or the Bible. I think I'm going to go with the Bible.

I'm going to tag:
Illana, Libby, and Rachel. Ha ha ha ha ha.

There's more about my reading and stuff here.

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