Sunday, April 14, 2002

Ha! The back of the mohair sweater is now done! HA HA HA! and there are 2 inches done on the front... NOTE ON KNITTING WITH MOHAIR: do a really big gauge swatch. My 4x4 square just didn't cut it... what was supposed to 19 inches wide ended up being 25 in the middle, with no random increasing... ah well... it'll just be baggier than originally planned...I've also decided to do the cowl neck if I have yarn. I will not post my feeling on whether or not I'll have the extra yarn, as I would like not to jinx it.

Non-Knitting News JCR will sign all senior recital paper work and Monica not only will accompany me, she's really happy to. She WANTS to accompany me... la la la la la... life is good

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