Monday, November 01, 2004

Hello my lovlies!

Well, now that the mothers-to-be have gone into labor, I better finish busting out those cute baby things I've been knitting!!!

The favorite baby item is the Kid Classic baby bonnet from Last Minute Knitted Gifts, one of the new books I just bought. Lots of cool, yet easy patterns, arranged in chapters by time needed to complete the project-- 2-4 hours, 4-6 hours etc, so you can chose a project depending on how just last minute you are. And can just say again that I LOVE these baby bonnets! Oh! So cute! And you can make several from the 2 balls of yarn you have to buy. At least 3, maybe 4. When I've used up my yarn, I'll let you know!

I'm also knitting the stuffed dog from Erika Knight's Simple Knits for Little Cherubs or something like that. Erika Knight is my favorite designer. Check out her home books-- Simple Knits for Easy Living (I think the US edition title might be different...) Simple Crochet for the Home (something like that) and Simple Knits with a Twist very unexpected and really cool.

Anyway, the dog's for my knitting teacher's daughter. The girl who taught me to knit is in labor, so I've been whipping out baby bonnets for the new baby, but I thought I should knit something for the toddler that's already there!

When they're done, I'll post some pictures. Because Blogger changed so I can do that now. Plus, I now have a digital camera, which make it really easy.

And here's a big shout-out to Miss Mary for noticing ASAP that the blog has been resurected. I'll be knitting with you in less than 3 weeks! yippee!

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